Whether the building will be brand new, or a re-design, we. can help during the architectural planning process. A strong corporate security program begins with the architectural planning of the physical structure. Our team of experienced professionals will work closely with your architects, designers, and facility managers to integrate security measures seamlessly into the blueprint of the building. This includes vehicle barricades (obvious or hidden), access control, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) etc… By incorporating security measures at the planning stage, your company can significantly reduce the risk of incidents and protect your assets, employees, and sensitive information. Make sure your company is set up from the beginning to protect all of your assets in the future.
Cameras and equipment
We work closely with building planners and security managers to ensure all security equipment it set up to maximize its potential. This is primarily done during the architectural planning of a new structure or remodel, but we can come to your site to analyze your existing security measures. This can include but is not limited to;
-Security Cameras
-Metal Detectors
-Access Control Devices
-Security Gates
-Safes and Vaults
Physical Security
We pride ourselves in helping develop robust, and deliberate security plans for your corporate structure. If you do not currently have physical security in your building, we can develop a security plan for you to be briefed to your upper management and/or staff members. This plan can incorporate your future plans for an on-site security unit. If you already have a security unit established, we will evaluate the security plan. Most often, our expert security consultants will conduct on-site testing and assessments of your current security plan and suggest improvements. This can include but is not limited to the following;
Penetration testing
Security Audits
Unauthorized Item Introduction
Denied Access Intrusion
Security Check Point limitation Probes
Outer Perimeter Probes
Physical Barrier Limitations
Cyber Security
If your building is brand new, we can help guide you into best practice solutions for the upmost cyber security. This can include recommendations into set up and equipment as well as Cyber awareness classes to your new employees. We will also establish an in-depth Cyber Security plan for your company and future employees. If you have an established cyber security plan, we can come in and test your plan. Generally, this includes but is not limited to;
-Cyber Penetration testing
-Cyber Security audits
-Physical Walk throughs
-Equipment Validation
-Physical Cyber Security Equipment audits.
Digital Force Protection
Intellectual property is being targeted every second by the enemies of our country. American companies are also being targeted daily by criminals within the United States. The most successful operations against our companies, target our employees rather than the complex cyber infrastructure which billions of dollars are spent on every year. This is especially true for employees that travel overseas and even stateside.
To help combat the vulnerability, we offer eye opening classes into how your company and employees are being targeted when they travel. The classes include how your employees can protect your intellectual properties and how to best prevent being vulnerable.